Elevation Experience: 

Spirit Activated Business Program

Make the move from comfortable to expansive .

Our "not-your-typical", 12 month business transformation mentorship program offers a deeper, more meaningful alignment with your true self and success.

Break free from the status quo, connect all aspects of yourself - mind, body, spirit, and energy - and become your fullest self. Embrace the powerful connection between who you want to be and where your business is destined to thrive. Join us now!

Get Elevated

Does This Sound Familiar?


You feel slightly overwhelmed, anxious, bothered with your to do list, and not knowing where to start implementing?

You want to incorporate your full identity into your career and life, not the identity you've created?

You are making income in one area of your life, but are ready to include your Spirit inspired project too?

You trust yourself to do the work you already mastered, and are ready to trust the visions you see for yourself?

You know you need something different from a business coach, but don't know what IT is?

You negate your smaller wins and emotions, when faced with growth challenges?

You feel and know you're successful, and you also don't feel successful?

You have old patterns, and fears that are resurfacing seemingly out of no where?

You desire a trusted partner, resource, and support system as you grow your company?

You are uncomfortable with people knowing that you're having limiting inner thoughts?

You have people who look up to you and your success who you don't want to let down?

You let your spiritual habits take a backseat, and don't know how to get back to it?

Your old success rituals for success aren't feeling as effective as they used to feel?

You desire a big business, and bigger life, and don't know how all the pieces fit together?


Then Elevation Experience is for You!

This is where Visionaries are taught to use Spirituality and Energetic Alignment to reach their next success level in life and business, and have a hella good time doing so!

I'm Tanisha "Àsà" Yorrick-Allen

Founder and CEO of Your Other Mind

I am a Transformation Mentor, Coach, and Strategic Operations Consultant for highly successful people and companies (aka Visionaries).

I guide Visionary Leaders and Companies to create highly impactful, efficient, and scaled lives, careers, and businesses, by using their unique Spiritual Energetics and proven operations excellence strategy.

Get Elevated

Align Your Expectations

🚀 Elevate Your Vision: Our program is designed to strategically elevate your vision and purpose, guiding you to become the dynamic, impactful individual you are destined to be.

🌟Interactive Group Coaching: You'll join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, collaborating and learning together through interactive group coaching sessions.

🔮 Unleash Your Brilliance: Tap into your unique strengths and talents by incorporating meditation, visualizations, Human Design, Gene Keys, Numerology, and more into your personal and professional life.

💡 Strategic Projects for Action: Experience real growth with projects that encourage you to make bold business decisions and overcome your upper limits transformative changes across all aspects of your life.

 Break Free from Fear: Our program is crafted to help you break free from self-doubt and limitations, providing you with the right framework to finally overcome any barriers holding you back.

🔑 Activate Your Growth: You'll tap into the higher consciousness that's needed to grow and scale quickly, while redefining what success means to you and your work.

Client Highlight

Alysha M. Campbell 

Principal + Founder @ Culture Shift HR

As the Founder and CEO of CultureShift HR, I realized that to take me to the next stage of my growth, I would need a partner and coach that could help me navigate the unknowns of that level by diving deeper within myself. Being introduced to Àsà was the exact support I needed to help me align to my fullest self so that I could be the best leader for my business. Through our work together, I've been able to align myself to my business, which has created authentic opportunities in generating more clients, revenue, and freedom as I continue to build and scale. Until my work with Àsà, I was conditioned to believe that building a business was only really done in "one way" and that selling had to be done in a "specific" way which isn't true at all. When you align with yourself and then match that alignment with your business you are able to create an environment, culture and client experience that is second to none and provides even more opportunities than you thought possible. Àsà takes the time to know you, understand you and be your partner on this journey to get your most ideal and desired outcomes possible. 

I can't thank Àsà enough for her support, insight and talent and would recommend her to any client that is ready to create their own version of success in the most deepest and truest way possible.”

 We want the Visionaries!

We want the Thought Leaders!

We want the Dynamic Creators!

We want the Brave and the Impact Driven!

To create the Spirit aligned and highly elevated vision for your life you need to understand the journey to lasting transformation.








Building a Sustainable, Scalable, and Balanced Career and Life is not about doing... it's about BEING highly aligned and energetically well.


I Invite You to Expand...

Pick Your Experience 

We've curated this program with 3 tiers of experience, all designed to provide an elevated level of service for any level of entreprenuer.

Get the Best Value for Your Commitment

Mastermind (Tier 3)


Best Value

  • 1 Weekly Soul Success Call 
  • 2 Monthly EE Training Call
  • 1 Monthly EE Hot Seat Q+A Call

  • 2 Monthly Co-Working Sessions

  • Elevation Experience Members WhatsApp Group  
  • All Bonus Trainings, Calls, Recordings, and Portal!


  • 1 Monthly Mastermind ONLY Mentorship Call
  • 1 Group Mastermind VIP Intensive
  • Mastermind Level Private WhatsApp Group 
  • 4 In-Person Quarterly Alignment Intensives Included
  • Invitation to Annual Radiant: Celebratory Retreat for Visionaries

Initiation (Tier 1)


Great for Newbies!

  • 1 Weekly Soul Success Call 
  • 2 Monthly EE Training Call
  • 1 Monthly EE Hot Seat Q+A Call

  • EE Members WhatsApp Group   
  • All Bonus Trainings, Calls, Recordings, and Portal!


  • Can Upgrade at Any Time
  • Discounted Rate to 4 In-Person Quarterly Alignment Intensives Included
  • Invitation to Annual Radiant: Celebratory Retreat

Apprenticeship (Tier 2)


Great for Movers + Shakers!

  • 1 Weekly Soul Success Call 
  • 2 Monthly EE Training Call
  • 1 Monthly EE Hot Seat Q+A Call

  • EE Members WhatsApp Group   
  • All Bonus Trainings, Calls, Recordings, and Portal!


  • 2 Monthly Co-Working Sessions
  • Discounted Rate to 4 In-Person Quarterly Alignment Intensives Included
  • Invitation to Annual Radiant: Celebratory Retreat